Tag Archives: wildlife
Not much has changed since the 2013 release of the book “Ivory, Horn and Blood.”
Poaching and wildlife trafficking has not changed much since Ivory, Horn and Blood was published in 2013. The carnage continues with the recent poaching of 87 elephants and several rhinos in Botswana, and Feisal Ali Mohammed’s release from a Kenyan … Continue reading
Kenya Wildlife Service’s rhino debacle – what really happened?
For a few weeks now the Kenya Wildlife Service has been “trying” to resolve their dead rhino debacle. No one knows for sure what really happened or how many died because the reports keep changing. This we know: Ten rhinos … Continue reading
May 2012 be a better year for the world’s wildlife
Happy New Year to all and many blessings for 2012! I pray that 2012 will bring solutions to the many issues that plague the world’s wildlife: poaching, human/wildlife conflict, wildlife harassment, vanishing habitat, trophy hunting and the bushmeat trade. As … Continue reading
The world’s wildlife need our support
There’s a reason why animals that are not traditional pets or farm animals are called wildlife. They are meant to stay wild. Not hoarded. Not bought for someone’s pleasure. Not stuffed in cages or paraded around in a circus. Not … Continue reading