May 2012 be a better year for the world’s wildlife

Happy New Year to all and many blessings for 2012!

I pray that 2012 will bring solutions to the many issues that plague the world’s wildlife: poaching, human/wildlife conflict, wildlife harassment, vanishing habitat, trophy hunting and the bushmeat trade.

As this last day of 2011 comes to a close, it is very sad to hear that three lions have been killed in Nairobi National Park – a result of human/wildlife conflict.  So I pray that news such as this will be few and far between in 2012.

I’ve decided that I will make a conscious effort to write more articles about wildlife that are upbeat and positive.  Perhaps about that conservation group making a difference or that the Maasai actually decided not to kill a lion in retribution.

If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them!

Happy New Years!




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